I'm puzzled by the extreme amount of trash I've been seeing around Athens since the quarter has ended. I must not have noticed the massive piles of trash and overflowing dumpsters last year and the year before. I've noticed an interesting cycle taking place: college students come, buy couches and chairs from Good Will and other various stores, use them/ abuse them for a year or so, throw them away, Athens locals come by and pick and choose what they want and put new life into things. I can't count the number of old trucks driving around with their beds piled high with various odds and ends found along the major college house streets. I think it's wonderful that (even without knowing it) the college kids are in some way giving back to the community, whom I'm sure are driven crazy by the students 90% of the time.
Here's a pile that I noticed on my way to the coffee shop today, and found it pretty humorous. My guess is, 10 years down the road, whoever left this is going to regret leaving behind that poster.
if you think about it, its like one persons trash is another persons treasures....
thats how i see all of the trash left behind by college students.
I really like this frame. Any chance I could get a print when the quarter starts?
sure dan. ill get you a print.
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